Pray First: Make Prayer a Priority

As we begin a new year, you're invited to dedicate the first 21 days of 2025 to focusing on God through prayer. "Pray First" is a simple way to make time with Him your priority and start the year with purpose.

Here’s how you can take part:

1. sign up for daily devotionals

Each morning, you'll receive a short email with a Bible verse, an encouraging devotional, a guided prayer, and a thoughtful question to help you reflect and grow.

2. Read and reflect

Set aside a few minutes each day to read the scripture and devotional. Let these words inspire and encourage you as you begin your day.

3. Make Prayer a Priority

Spend time talking to God and listening to Him. Use the guided prayer as a starting point to focus your time with Him.

4. Journal Your Thoughts

Take time to write down your observations, prayers, and how God is speaking to you through the devotional and a daily question.

5. Share with Someone

Encourage someone else by sharing the devotional. Whether it’s a family member, friend, or coworker, invite them to make prayer a priority too!

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Day 1: Seek First His Kingdom
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” – Matthew 6:33

Let’s start this year by putting God at the center of everything we do. Setting aside daily time to focus on Him is a great habit to develop as we move into the new year. When we intentionally set time aside to meet with God and study His Word, we are declaring that He is a priority in our lives.

What does it mean to seek God first? It means He’s at the forefront of our minds and hearts in everything we do.

Have you ever been passionate about a certain topic and couldn’t wait to research it? Maybe it’s the new iPhone, and you want to analyze all the pros and cons because you want to know everything about it. Perhaps you’re considering adding a new pet to the family, so you research breeds to find the best fit. Or maybe you’re hunting for a new vehicle and search relentlessly until you discover the best deal.

That’s the kind of passion we want to bring to the Word of God. There is so much to learn about our Savior. No matter how much we study, we will always have something new to uncover. His Word is not a burden to us or a task to be mastered—it’s a gift, God’s way of revealing Himself to us.

Not only can we seek Him through His Word, but also through prayer and reflection. We touch the heart of God when we pray, and our hearts are changed too. Prayer isn’t just giving God a list of what we need or want. It’s a time to worship Him and to ask what He wants from us as well. The psalmist wrote:

Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.
” – Psalm 139:23-24

Prayer is an important time to examine our hearts and let the Holy Spirit speak to us so that we can grow to be more like Jesus.

This verse is given in the context of Matthew chapter 6, where Jesus challenges His followers not to let the struggles of daily life cause them to worry. It is so easy to let our focus shift away from God and onto the cares of life. But Jesus teaches that when we put Him first, the day-to-day worries of life will fall into place. As our focus stays on Him, He takes His rightful place over everything else in our lives.

When we seek Him first, we can trust that He’ll provide for every need in ways we could never imagine. He’s inviting us to pursue His kingdom today—His peace, love, and purpose in our lives. Isn’t that exciting?

As we seek God first, let’s look at the template of prayer that Jesus gave us with the Lord’s prayer in Matthew 6:9-13.

Our Father in Heaven,
Hallowed be your name.

(This is a time to praise God and give Him the honor that He is due.)

Your kingdom come,
Your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.

(We set God and His priorities above our own.)

Give us today our daily bread.
(We ask God to supply our specific needs.)

And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
(We seek forgiveness and reconciliation with God, and we release unforgiveness from our hearts.)

And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.

How can you take steps to put God first in our lives today? Take time to pray and reflect.
Day 2: The Power of Humility
Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.” – James 4:10 (NIV)

Humility is a quality that is greatly valued in God’s Word but often forgotten in our world. And yet, God speaks often about the dangers of pride and the value of humility. Why is humility so important to God?

Humility keeps us from elevating ourselves above God. It challenges us to acknowledge our dependence on Him. Many times, it’s hard for us to admit our weaknesses. We like to think that we can get by on our own. But when we humble ourselves before the Lord, we admit that our dependence is on God.

When our dependence is on God, we return glory to Him.
Think about it: when we rely on God to provide our daily needs, we are declaring our belief in Him and expressing gratitude for every blessing in our lives. We acknowledge that these blessings didn’t come by our own power.

When we admit our faults to God and recognize that we cannot get to heaven by our own strength, we magnify what Jesus did on the cross and grasp the power of His sacrifice. Conversely, if we insist on believing that we can earn our way to heaven on our own, we diminish Jesus’ work and fail to acknowledge His Lordship in our lives.

Humility keeps our hearts turned toward God in the proper way and allows Him to be glorified through us. Pride does the opposite. If you ever want to know what God thinks about pride, look it up in the Bible. He has a LOT to say about it. In fact, He warns that those who seek to be first will be made last.

Humility is a heart issue, and one that matters greatly to God. Take some time today to acknowledge His place in your life and humble yourself before Him.

Heavenly Father, humility matters greatly to You. Please search my heart and show me any areas where pride has crept in. Help me to release those areas and my need to control them. I acknowledge that every good and perfect thing comes from You, and I give You glory and praise for them. Help me to surrender my will to Yours and to keep my heart humble before You. Amen.

Are there areas of your life where you’ve been relying on your own strength instead of trusting in God? Are you willing to release those areas and acknowledge God’s Lordship over them? Take time to pray and reflect.
Day 3: Pray Without Ceasing
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NIV)

Prayer changes things. It is a powerful tool that we have as Christians. The Bible teaches us that there is a spiritual world at battle (Ephesians 6:12). Our prayers make a difference. Not only can they change the course of our hearts and actions, but they can also impact the lives of others.

Prayer opens the door for God to work in our hearts because it turns our focus to Him. When our focus is in the right place, we can find joy in any circumstance, remembering who is in control. The ability to be thankful and joyful even in trials is something that only happens when God is moving in our hearts—and that happens through prayer.

The Bible teaches us that a habit of prayer is something to be desired. Prayer is not just a quick utterance before moving on with our day. Persistent prayer connects us to God, helps us grow, and moves His heart. In Luke 11:1-13 and Luke 18:1-8, Jesus shares parables emphasizing the importance of persistent prayer. Take a moment to read those passages and see how Jesus teaches us to press through trials with prayer.

We may not always see an answer right away, but God hears our prayers, and He does not ignore us. It’s important that we have faith to keep praying in every situation. As we pray, not only do we make a difference, but we also learn to humble our hearts before God and grow in our connection with Him.

God, we thank You that when we pray, You hear us. Hebrews 4:16 tells us that we can approach Your throne with confidence and find mercy and grace to help us in our times of need. I pray that Your Holy Spirit will work in my heart, nudging me to think of You throughout the day. Help me, Lord, to keep You at the forefront of my mind and heart today and in the days ahead. God, I ask that You help me remember to turn to You first—in both good times and bad. Thank You for hearing me, Lord, and for providing a way for me to reach the throne of heaven.

How can you build persistent prayer into your daily habits? (Some ideas: set a reminder, write your prayers in a journal and keep praying over them, or schedule a specific time to meet with God each day.)  Take time to pray and reflect.
Day 4: Trust in His Timing
The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” – 2 Peter 3:9 (NIV)

Waiting is hard.

In fact, can you think of anyone who truly enjoys waiting? Probably not! Patience is difficult, especially in our fast-paced society.

But life wasn’t always as hurried as it is now. God actually built a rhythm of waiting into the world. Seasons change, and as winter arrives, nature pauses to rest and wait for spring. Seeds don’t grow immediately; they need a season of growth before the harvest. Women wait months for a child to grow in the womb. And we aren’t born as adults—growth takes time.

People in the past were more familiar with this rhythm of waiting and delayed satisfaction, but our modern world has sped things up. We microwave meals, fast-forward videos, and rush through drive-thrus. We text instead of call, rely on two-day shipping, and find food readily available without waiting for a harvest. So when we have to wait, it often feels unnatural or confusing.

Yet, just because the world has become faster doesn’t mean God is in a rush. The Bible assures us that waiting is a normal part of our Christian journey. Joseph waited 13 years for his dream to be fulfilled. David waited about 15 years to become king after being anointed. Abraham waited 25 years for the promise of a son.

The Bible reminds us that God’s timing is not like ours. Just because it feels slow to us doesn’t mean it’s slow to Him. In fact, His timing is always perfect.

God’s ultimate goal is to draw us closer to Him. He doesn’t want anyone to perish and often uses seasons of waiting to refine us, grow our faith, and align our hearts with His. Are you in a season of waiting? Take heart—you’re in good company. Read about the great heroes of faith who waited on God, trusting in His promises.

So what can you do in the wait?
  • Be patient. Trust that God has a plan and hasn’t forgotten you. Let His peace fill your heart as you rest in the knowledge that He is in control.
  • Ask God how you can grow. Is there something He’s teaching you during this season? Instead of letting frustration take over, ask Him to show you what He wants you to learn.
  • Be persistent. Don’t stop praying! Delayed answers don’t mean unanswered prayers. Keep seeking God, trusting that He hears you and is working behind the scenes to fulfill His promises.

Dear God, Waiting is hard, but I trust that You have a plan. Just as David, Abraham, and Joseph waited on Your promises, I know there will be times when I must wait too. Help me to be patient and faithful, even when I don’t see answers right away. Remind me that Your timing is perfect and that You hear my prayers. Lord, I ask Your Holy Spirit to encourage my heart in this season of waiting. Instead of frustration, help me to grow and draw closer to You. Thank You for being patient with me and for hearing me when I pray. Amen.

Are you in a season of waiting? How can you draw closer to God during this time? Take time to reflect and pray.
Day 5: He’s Bigger Than Your Problems
With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” – Matthew 19:26

Have you ever faced a problem that felt too big to handle? Maybe it’s something in your family, at school, or even something you’ve been praying about for a long time. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when we face challenges that seem beyond our control.

But here’s the good news: nothing is too big for God.

The Bible is filled with stories of people who faced impossible situations, only to see God step in and do what no one else could. Think about Moses and the Israelites standing before the Red Sea, with Pharaoh’s army chasing them. There was no escape… until God parted the waters. Or consider David, a young shepherd boy, going up against Goliath, a giant warrior. It seemed impossible—until God gave David victory.

God specializes in doing the impossible. He doesn’t just help us through small problems; He’s big enough to handle the giant ones, too. Sometimes we get caught up in trying to solve everything on our own. We forget that God is always with us and wants to help us.

When Jesus says, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible,” He’s reminding us that we can trust Him, even when we don’t see a solution. Our problems may feel huge, but they’re never too big for God.

What can we do when we’re facing something that feels impossible?
  • Bring it to God in prayer. Don’t carry your burdens alone. Tell God what’s on your heart and trust Him to work in ways you might not even expect.
  • Remember who God is. He’s the Creator of the universe! If He can part seas, calm storms, and defeat giants, He can handle whatever you’re going through.
  • Take one step at a time. You may not see the whole picture, but trust God to guide you. Obey what He’s asking you to do today, even if it feels small.
No matter what you’re facing, remember this: God is bigger. Bigger than your problems, your fears, and anything else life throws your way. Trust Him. He’s got you.

Dear God, Sometimes my problems feel so big that I don’t know what to do. But I know that nothing is impossible for You. Thank You for being bigger than anything I face. Help me to trust You, even when I feel scared or overwhelmed. I pray for Your strength and guidance in my life. Remind me that You are always with me and that You care about every detail of my life. Thank You for being my help and my hope. Amen.

What’s a problem in your life right now that you need to trust God with? How can you give it to Him today? Take time to reflect and pray.
Day 6: Be Still and Know
He says, ‘Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.’” – Psalm 46:10 (NIV)

There is no doubt that life is busy. With phones, children, work, and dishes vying for our attention, it is easy to sometimes place God on the back burner. The problem is that when everything else is loud, it’s easy to drown out the voice of God in our lives. We have to be intentional about quieting the noise around us so that we can hear Him speaking to us. And one way to do that is to be still.

Being still is not always easy. In fact, it scares some of us because we are never still. But that isn’t what God desires for us. His word reminds us to wait on Him, meditate on His word, be patient in waiting, and to make prayer a priority. Spiritual discipline requires that we find time in our lives to be still and make His voice and word louder than the things around us.

This verse is also in the context of a crisis. The Lord is providing a refuge for His people. The writer reminds them to “be still” in the sense of not panicking and recognizing the sovereignty of God in the situation. If you are in a crisis, the perfect place to be… is still. Not panicking and wondering what will happen, but finding peace in the presence of your Creator, knowing that He is in control. Our hearts can be still, even when our world is not.

Do you need to practice stillness today? Begin small and work your way up. Turn off the noise and the distractions for a few minutes. Read God’s word and ask Him to speak to you. It’s amazing how much God will speak when we make room to listen!

Father, I thank You that even when my world and my schedule feel out of control, YOU are not out of control. Lord, help me to practice the discipline of stillness. If Jesus withdrew to a quiet place to pray, how much more should I, Lord? Remind me to slow down and to listen to Your voice. I pray that in times of trouble, my heart would be still within me, trusting in Your sovereign hand to take care of me. Thank You, Lord, for being a God I can put my trust in. Amen.

What is one way you can slow down today to create space for God to remind you who He is? Take time to reflect and pray.
Day 7: God Hears Your Prayers
This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.” – 1 John 5:14 (NIV)


Have you ever wondered, “Is God even listening?” Maybe you’ve prayed for something over and over, and it feels like nothing’s changing, like your prayers are just bouncing off the ceiling. It’s tough to keep praying when you feel unheard, but here’s the truth: God hears every single word.

He’s not some distant, distracted, too-busy-for-you kind of god. He’s the God who promises to listen. He listens—really listens—because He loves you. Think about that for a second: the Creator of the universe leans in when you pray. That should change the way you approach Him! This is your invitation to pray with boldness, confidence, and faith.

Even when you can’t see it yet, God is working behind the scenes in ways that are better and wiser than you can imagine. Sometimes, unanswered prayers are part of His plan to bring about something even greater. Other times, His answer is “wait” because the timing isn’t quite right yet. Either way, your prayers matter to Him because you matter to Him. So, don’t hold back. He loves it when His kids come to Him with their needs, their fears, and their dreams.


Father, Thank You for always hearing me. Even when it feels like nothing is changing, I trust that You are working behind the scenes for my good. Teach me to pray boldly, with the confidence that You’re not just listening, but You’re also moving in ways I can’t see yet. Help me trust Your perfect timing, even when I don’t understand. Thank You for being a God who truly cares about the details of my life. I love You, Lord, and I’m so grateful I can bring my heart to You in prayer. Amen.

What’s one prayer you can confidently bring before God today, knowing He hears and cares for you? Take time to reflect and pray about this.
Day 8: God Is Your Shepherd
The Lord is my shepherd; I lack nothing.” – Psalm 23:1 (NIV)

Think about what a shepherd does for a second—he watches over his sheep, makes sure they’re safe, leads them to the right places, and takes care of everything they need. That’s exactly how God cares for you. He’s not just some far-off figure; He’s close to you, knows exactly what you’re dealing with, and is already leading you through it.

Maybe right now you’re feeling a little lost, overwhelmed, or like things just aren’t adding up. But here’s the good news: God is your shepherd. And if He’s the one leading you, you’re not going to lack anything you need. You don’t have to carry the weight of figuring it all out yourself. His job is to guide you and protect you, and He will provide for you—physically, spiritually, and emotionally.

Today, try letting go of that pressure to figure it all out on your own. Take a deep breath and simply listen for His voice. Rest in the fact that He’s leading you exactly where you need to go, right on time. And no matter what happens, with Him, you’ll always have enough.

Jesus, Thank You for being my shepherd. You see the bigger picture when I can’t, and You know exactly what I need—even when I don’t. Help me to listen for Your voice today and trust that You’re guiding me to the right places at the right time. I want to follow You, Lord, and let go of the stress of trying to figure everything out on my own. Thank You for always providing and leading me with love and grace. I trust You completely. Amen.

What’s one area of your life where you need to let go and trust God’s guidance right now? Write down your thoughts. Bring this to the Lord in prayer and ask for His help.
Day 9: Walk in His Light
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” – Psalm 119:105 (NIV)

Have you ever tried walking through a dark room without a light? It’s not exactly pleasant—stubbed toes, wrong turns, and maybe even a bit of panic. That’s what life can feel like when we try to navigate it without God’s Word. The Bible is like a flashlight that cuts through the darkness, showing us exactly where to step next. When you spend time in Scripture, it helps shape your thoughts, your decisions, and even how you respond to the unexpected. It’s not just offering general advice; it’s giving you clear direction, revealing the steps you need to take and the path you should follow. And what’s amazing is that it never leads you astray—God’s Word is steady, reliable, and always brings you back to truth.

In a world that can feel so dark, God’s Word is your is a lamp to your feet - a light on your path. It’s pointing you to His wisdom, love, and guidance in every situation. So, lean into it, look to it, and let it light the way.

Lord, Thank You for giving me Your Word to guide me through every season. When I feel uncertain or lost, help me to turn to the pages of Scripture and trust in the direction it offers. Teach me to hold onto the truth of Your Word and follow it step by step, even when it doesn’t make sense at first. I want to walk in Your light and find peace in knowing that You are leading me in the right direction. Amen.

What’s one decision you’re facing today where you can look to God’s Word for guidance? Take some time to journal your thoughts and bring this to the Lord in prayer.
Day 10: Strength in Weakness
“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” – 2 Corinthians 12:9 (NIV)

I’ve got good news for you today. You don’t have to have it all together—really. I know we’re often told to be strong and to push through, but the truth is, it’s okay to admit we’re weak. In fact, it’s often in those moments of weakness where we actually get to experience God’s strength in a whole new way! When we’re at the end of our rope, that’s when His grace steps in and fills the gaps where we fall short.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the pressure to be perfect, to always have everything figured out. But here’s more good news—God isn’t asking for perfection. He’s asking for trust. When we lean into Him and stop trying to do it all on our own, His power shows up in ways we couldn’t have imagined. So if you’re feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, or like you just don’t have enough, take heart—God’s grace is enough. And it’s in your weakness that His strength shines through. You’re not walking through this alone.

God, there are areas where I just don’t have it all together. But I’m so thankful that I don’t have to rely on my own strength. Your grace is more than enough for me. Help me to stop striving and to rest in the truth that You are my strength. I trust that in my weakness, Your power is made perfect. Remind me that I’m never alone in this. You’re with me, every step of the way.

Have you been striving in a certain area of your life through your own strength? How can you lean into God’s perfect power today?