If you would like to have a baby/child dedicated at The Bridge, please submit one form per child.
Baby dedications at The Bridge are a time for parents to commit to raising their child in the ways of the Lord. It is also a time to pray for parents and for the child and he or she grows. Baby dedication does NOT have anything to do with the child’s salvation. We believe that salvation is a personal choice, made when someone is old enough to understand and accept the ways of the Lord. Nowhere in the Bible do we find that salvation is a parent’s choice for their child.
Romans 10:9 tells us, “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Salvation is found through a personal decision and belief in Jesus.
However, raising a child in the ways of the Lord does have promises.
Proverbs 22:6 says, “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it.”
We believe that being raised to understand and follow God makes a lasting impact on a young person. That is why the parents’ commitment at dedication is so important. This is a time for you to say that you will follow Jesus and be an example to your child. We ask that parents take this commitment seriously. Before you sign up to dedicate your child, take some time to think about if you are ready to make this commitment.
Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior?
Are you committed to following what the Word of God says in your life?
Is Christ reflected in your actions and your relationships?
We believe what the Bible says about living inside the marriage relationship, or if you are single, not entering into a sexual relationship until you are married. Are you able to model this biblical principle for your child?
Are you committed to putting Christ first in your home and priorities?
These are a few things to consider. As you stand on stage and make this commitment before the church, you are not only being an example to your child. You are also an example of a family that serves God that the rest of the church looks up to.
If you have any questions regarding the commitment you are about to make, please contact our pastoral staff. We would love to walk you through this process!